French Terms – French for Hospitality and Tourism

Lets learn some popular french terms for hospitality industry.

French Terms – Drinking

  1. Avec des glaçons: On the rocks
  2. La biére: Beer
  3. Une bouteille: A bottle
  4. Le café: Coffee (typically Espresso)
  5. Une crafe: A glass bottle (usually of wine)
  6. La carte de vins: The wine list
  7. Le cidre: Cider
  8. Le jus: Juice
  9. Le Kir: White wine with cassis or blackberry syrup
  10. Un pichet: A small pitcher (usually of wine)

French Terms used in hotel industry

French Terms – Meat

  1. À point: Medium rare
  2. Bien cuit: Well done
  3. Bleu, saignant: Rare (“blue” or “bleeding”)
  4. Le bifteck: Steak
  5. À la broche: Cooked on a skewer
  6. Carbonnisée: Burned to a crisp
  7. La charcuterie: An assortment of cured & dried meats
  8. Le porc: Pork
  9. Une saucisse/Saucisson: Sausage
  10. Une tranche: A slice
  11. Le veau: Veal
  12. La viande: Meat

French Terms – Chicken

  1. Les ailes de poulet: Chicken wings
  2. Le blanc de poulet: Chicken breast
  3. Le consommé du volaille: Chicken broth
  4. Le coquelet: Young male chicken
  5. La cuisse: Dark meat
  6. La poulard: Young female chicken
  7. Le poulet/poule: Chicken
  8. Le poulet rôti: Roast chicken
  9. La volaille: White meat

French Terms – Great dishes

  1. Aïoli: Garlic mayonnaise
  2. Aligot: Fondue-like mix of mashed potatoes and sharp cheese
  3. Le cassoulet: Rich meat and bean casserole
  4. La choucroute: Sauerkraut (various kinds of pork)
  5. Le coq au vin: Chicken in red wine sauce
  6. La crêpe: A very thin pancake, sweet or savory
  7. La galette: A savory crepe
  8. Les huitres: Oysters
  9. Le parmentier: Like shephard’s pie, ground meat covered with mashed potatoes
  10. Les moules: Mussels
  11. Le vol-au-vent: A small, light, savory pastry

French Terms – Menu Mainstays

  1. L’amuse-bouche: A bite-sized hors d’oeuvre, compliments of the chef
  2. Le beurre: Butter
  3. Les coquilles Saint-Jacques: Scallops
  4. Les oeufs: Eggs
  5. Le pain: Bread
  6. Les pâtes: Pasta
  7. How’s it cooked?
  8. Au gratin: Baked with cheese and breadcrumbs
  9. À votre goût: To your liking
  10. En cocotte: Cooked in a covered baking dish
  11. Confit: Cooked in fat
  12. En croute: Wrapped in pastry
  13. Farci: Stuffed
  14. Frit(e): Fried
  15. Fumé: Smoked
  16. Haché: Ground (meat)
  17. Un méli-mélo: An assortment
  18. Un morceau: A piece
  19. Piquant: Spicy
  20. Au pistou: With basil
  21. Provençal: Cooked with tomatoes, anchovies and olives
  22. Rôti: Roasted
  23. À la vapeur: Steamed

Good to know French Terms

  1. L’addition: The check (must be requested)
  2. Allérgique à: Allergic to
  3. And for the Mrs./Miss: Et pour la madame/mademoiselle…
  4. L’assiette: Plate
  5. La carte/le ménu: The menu
  6. Les champignons: Mushrooms
  7. Compris/Inclus: Included
  8. Le cornichon: The tiniest pickle you’ve ever seen, accompanies charcuterie
  9. La cuisine: The kitchen
  10. La dégustation: Tasting menu
  11. Le déjeuner: Lunch
  12. Délicieux: Delicious
  13. Le dîner: Dinner
  14. Du jour: Of the day
  15. Le fromage: Cheese
  16. Je voudrais: I would like…
  17. Le petit déjeuner: Breakfast
  18. Le poisson: Fish
  19. Les pommes de terre: Potatoes
  20. Le pourboire: Tip (basic gratuity is almost always included in French restaurants, listed as servis compris)
  21. Le serveur/la serveuse: Waiter/waitress
  22. Végétarien: Vegetarian
  23. Végétalien: Vegan


Cardinal Numbers Ordinal Numbers
Number French Translation Number French Translation Ordinal French Translation
0 zero 50 cinquante 1st premier or premiere
1 un 60 soixante 2nd deuxieme or second(e)
2 deux 70 soixante-dix 3rd troisieme
3 trois 71 soixante et onze 4th quatrieme
4 quatre 72 soixante-douze 5th cinquieme
5 cinq 73 soixante-treize 6th sixieme
6 six 74 soixante-quatorze 7th septieme
7 sept 75 soixante-quinze 8th huitieme
8 huit 76 soixante-seize 9th neuvieme
9 neuf 77 soixante-dix-sept 10th dixieme
10 dix 78 soixante-dix-huit 11th onzieme
11 onze 79 soixante-dix-neuf 12th douzieme
12 douze 80 quatre-vingts 20th vingtieme
13 treize 81 quatre-vingt-un 21st vingt et un(e)ieme
14 quatorze 82 quatre-vingt-deux 72nd soixante-douzieme
15 quinze 90 quatre-vingt-dix 100th centieme
16 seize 91 quatre-vingt-onze
17 dix-sept 92 quatre-vingt-douze
18 dix-huit 100 cent
19 dix-neuf 101 cent un
20 vingt 200 deux cents
21 vingt et un 201 deux cent un
22 vingt-deux 1000 mille
30 trente 2000 deux mille
40 quarante 1,000,000 un million
2,000,000 deux millions
1,000,000,000 un milliard
2,000,000,000 deux milliards

Months – Days – Times – Colours, French Terms

Days In French

Lundi Monday

Months In French

January Janvier


Black noir
Mardi Tuesday February Ffevrier White blanc
Mercredi Wednesday March Mars Yellow jaune
Jeudi Thursday April Avril Orange orange
Vendredt Frtday May Mai Blue bleu
Samedi Saturday June Juin Brown brun
Dimanche Sunday July Juiliet Green vert

Times / Day

Today aujourd’hui August Aout Purple violet
Tomorrow demain September Septembre Violet violet
Yesterday hier October Octobre Red rouge
Tonight ce soir November Novembre Gray gris
Morning matin December Decembre
Afternoon apres-midi

French Terms for Meal times/Food

Breakfast petit dejeuner
Lunch dejeuner
Dinner dmer
Coffee cafe
Fish poisson
Milk lait
Onion oignon
Salad salade
Beverage boisson
Tea the
Cake gateau
Sausage saucisse
Cheese fromage

Pronunciation Guide – French Alphabet and French Terms

Pronunciation Guide - French Alphabet

The French “J” has a soft sound, like the sound in the middle of the English language word “leisure.” There are many French words that have a “nasal” sound which we do not have in English.

The French “R” should be rolled at the back of the throat, rather like the sound you make when you gargle.

The “H” is silent.

In French the “U” is pronounced like the “ew” in the English work“dew”.

Did you know that there are many words and phrases that are used in the English language that are adopted from the French language?

Words adopted from the French language

  1. amour
  2. au gratin
  3. avant-garde
  4. beret
  5. bistro
  6. bonbon
  7. bourbon
  8. cadet
  9. cadre
  10. café
  11. camaraderie
  12. camouflge
  13. carafe
  14. cartel
  15. champagne
  16. chef
  17. chiffon
  18. cliché
  19. clique
  20. collage
  21. commune
  22. corsage
  23. Crêpe
  24. crevasse
  25. critique
  26. crochet
  27. croutons
  28. décor
  29. enclave
  30. entrée
  31. foyer
  32. fuselage
  33. garage
  34. lecture
  35. levee
  36. litre
  37. mademoiselle
  38. masseur
  39. montage
  40. motif
  41. naiveté
  42. parfait
  43. parole
  44. partisan
  45. pastel
  46. penchant
  47. portage
  48. purée
  49. rapport
  50. reprise
  51. revue
  52. ricochet
  53. rouge
  54. roulette
  55. sabotage
  56. saboteur
  57. sauté
  58. savant
  59. suite
  60. timbre
  61. toupee
  62. vignette

French Terms and Phrases

French        >          English

  1. á la carte  > meal dishes separately priced
  2. au contraire > on the contrary
  3. au courant > up to date
  4. au naturel  > in a natural state
  5. au revoir  > goodbye
  6. bête noir  > pet aversion
  7. bon voyage  > have a good journey
  8. cause célèbre > situation arousing attention; noted incident
  9. c’est la vie > that’s life
  10. cherchez la femme > a woman caused it: look for the woman
  11. coup de grâce > final, decisive action
  12. coup d’état > a sudden change in government, often caused by force
  13. crème de la crème > the very best
  14. de rigueur > indispensable; required by fashion or custom
  15. double entendre > double meaning
  16. en masse > as a group
  17. fait accompli > an accomplished and irrevocable fact or action
  18. faux pas > a social error
  19. hors d’œuvre > appetizer
  20. joie de vivre > zest or enthusiasm for the pleasures of life
  21. laissez faire > policy of non-interference
  22. nom de plume > pen name
  23. nouveau riche > newly or recently rich
  24. par excellence > of highest quality
  25. pièce de resistance > major or chief item of a series
  26. raison d’être > reason for being
  27. sans souci > without worry
  28. savoir faire > sophistication; know-how
  29. tour de force > feat of strength or brilliance
  30. vis-à-vis > face to face; in relation to

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